How can I get cheap train tickets to go from Gosford to Kempsey?
If you want to get cheap train tickets from Gosford to Kempsey we recommend that you book in advance as the best Sydney Trains tickets sell out fast.The cheapest ticket is usually $2.5 and the most expensive one to go to Kempsey is approximately $8.3. .Remember that you must also add the cost of the journey: Moss Vale -> Kempsey
NEW TRAIN FOR 2020 CHECK OUT OUR AVAILABLE TRIPS Wheelchair Access, we can carry conventional wheelchairs but unfortunately our 1961 built train cannot accommodate larger electric wheelchairs. We apologise for the inconvenience. 2020 Trips, all departing and returning to Coffs Harbour Railway Station; Beaches and Tunnels, approximately 1 hour duration.
What time is the first train from Gosford?
The first trains for the route we propose are:
Gosford -> Moss Vale: 03:00
Moss Vale -> Kempsey: -
What companies can help me on my trip?
The companies that can help you are: Sydney Trains.
Train Timetable Coffs Harbour To Kempsey
How can I get ticket refund on Sydney Trains?
Each company has its rules and depending on the ticket, price, and offer different refund policies apply. We recommend that you contact the company where you bought the ticket to get a solution.
Why do I see more than one step on the route Gosford - Kempsey?
In Goticket we try to give a solution for every trip the user asks. Sometimes is not possible but we do our best to group different train direct routes to in order to create a multi-step journey that satisfies the user. This is the route we recommend::
1.- Gosford -> Moss Vale
2.- Moss Vale -> Kempsey
How far is Gosford from Kempsey?
The approximate distance between the two places is 346 km. With the route we propose, it will take approximately 3h 29m (plus the time it takes to you to make: Moss Vale -> Kempsey).
How to Travel with NSW Trainlink
NSW Trainlink Intercity trains on the Newcastle, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, South Coast, Hunter Valley and Dungog lines are un-reserved and fares are covered by the system in the same way as you travel on Sydney's suburban trains, trams, ferries and buses. If you don't have an Opal card, you can use your credit card to tap on at the station before you board your train and tap off after you arrive at your destination. Just look for the brightly coloured Opal validators or entry gates at the entrance and exit to each station. If you do not touch on before boarding your train you may be fined for travelling without a ticket. If you do not touch off at your destination you may be charged more than you need to pay.
To travel on Long Distance (Regional) trains and Regional long distance buses you MUST buy your ticket and book your seat in advance. No matter how short your journey, if you train travels to or from Brisbane, Casino, Grafton, Armidale, Tamworth, Dubbo, Broken Hill, Canberra, Griffith or Melbourne then you MUST book your ticket and reserve your seat in advance. If you are travelling just a short distance on a Regional train (eg Sydney to Broadmeadow or Sydney to Goulburn) you might find that bookings are open for trains only one week in advance so as to permit longer distance travellers the chance to book seats first.
To buy tickets and book seats on Regional Trains and Buses, click here